
Planet Earth Citizens

Despite the fact that we are all residents of this world, many a time we have unwisely left the affairs of our planet to be decided by a simple class of people called politicians to our detriment.

Take for example:
1) In the 1940’s a politician got into his head the fantasy idea of a super race, started the most devastating war in recorded history in which millions of people died and the most painful part of it is that about 6million of the dead were innocent women, children, elderly men and generally non combatants who died during the holocaust just because they were Jews—not of the Aryan super race. But then justice through the mercies of God caught up with him when the USA, which by then, and I emphasize the words “ by then” had the greatest principle which a nation can possibly ever have namely “ that the USA WILL NEVER START A WAR”, joined the war and completely changed the situation on the ground.

2) In not so distant past, a politician told us of some weapons of mass destruction that were supposed to be somewhere in Iraq, started a war (never mind the noble principle of his forefathers that “America will never start a war”) in which a lot of destruction and death was experienced but eventually no weapons of mass destruction were seen by any body.

3) Despite the fact that there exists undeniable, irrefutable, eye-witness evidence of the existence of the holocaust, a politician tells us that there was no holocaust and for this reason among other claims, a whole nation should be destroyed as a result.

4) In Gaza in recent times despite TV pictures showing the people there being bombarded with weapons which are describable as chemical, we kept on being treated to a nice talk of how the war was not against the citizen of Gaza but against so called terrorist groups. Isn’t treating a people the same way you were treated in the 1940’s actually justifying the actions of those who treated you so? Will this not give someone a chance of advancing the argument that you would have done to others what your 1940’s oppressors did to you if you were in their position?

Anyone who may want may enumerate cases of politicians taking everybody like a bunch of fools. As result, they can do anything so long as they are able to explain it away later or if they can get away with it. The result of such actions by the politicians is that they cause intense hatred among the people who, not knowing that events might have been planned, define their counterparts on the other side of the divide as their irreconcilable enemies. And this they do when the only story they hear concerning the issues at hand is from their respective politicians whilst if they had been given other avenues of verifying facts they would probably demand that a proof beyond any trace of doubt concerning what they are being told be provided.

For example, had the people of Germany demanded to be told why some race should be superior than the other perhaps they could not be living today with the shame of knowing that the then so called inferior race is today Israel which can take them head on in a war and win thus proving that no race is superior to another. Perhaps if the Americans demanded a proof that indeed weapons of mass destruction existed in Iraq, they would not be living with the shame of knowing that a country was destroyed for nothing, people killed, they, the Americans, are now broke, their soldiers are now being forced to withdraw from Iraq indicating that the war is not sustainable, and nobody can really say whether this war has weakened or strengthened al Qaeda the enemy who was supposed to be smoked out. Perhaps if today the people of Israel and the Palestinians were made to understand that Israel has aright to exist as a Nation, and Palestinian have a right to exist as a Nation and that it is just a matter of time before the MAD (mutually assured destruction) situation is reached, that just as it took Israel just a couple of decades to become a formidable fighting machine because of what they had been made to go through during the 2nd world war, so can the Palestinians become a formidable force because of what they are now being made to go through, that even today the idea of a six day war cannot be guaranteed, they would probably say to one another: why don’t we discuss instead of fighting? And why don’t we take stock of what we agree on and see how to settle on what we don’t agree?

But who will give people an avenue of verifying facts? Who will enlighten them by giving them information? Is it the politician? And don’t we hear of this very bad maxim that there is no permanent enmity or permanent friendship in politics only interests and hence, using this maxim, if they stir up a war or misuse a Nations resources in the course of the war or otherwise, leaving millions broke, and leaving other people killing one another, then, when it is in their interest to become friends, they will?

We are all citizens of the earth and we should demand the truth and should get as much information as possible because information is power. We should get this information from not only the politicians who are not the best brain in society anyway but from all spares of life in academia, from religious circles, from law professionals from human rights organizations etc. Only then shall we know what is going on and make appropriate response.

If we look at today’s world, we will realize that a few regional powers are shaping-up namely:
1) North America
2) South America
3) European union
4) African union
5) Arab league
6) China,
7) India
8) Japan
9) Russia
10) Australia

When a problem of a global nature arises, power games among some, or all of the above regional powers or their constituent nations, is what aggravates the problem. If therefore a comprehensive solution to a particular global problem is to be achieved, it is my humble submission that a global consensus has to be reached. Consequently, these regions should come together depending on the level of involvement in a particular global problem and it is not only their politicians who should talk. Their top sons and daughters in the areas of academia, in religion, and, generally, in their respective professional bodies should talk. This way, the nations will be said to have surely discussed their problems than when their respective politicians only claim to have discussed on their behalf only to later ignite more problems.

But then someone may say: why can’t we ignore some of these regions, after all, if we ignore them, what can they do? If anybody wants to claim that some of the regions are more equal than others by virtue of their military capabilities; if, in order to participate in global affairs the only quality that should be considered is military might, then we should be told why everybody should not do his best to acquire nuclear capability. Actually, as of now, war is increasingly becoming a very foolish way of solving problems and should be used as a last result.

Again there are those global entities which represent great portions of global populations; such entities as the Muslim religion representatives, the Catholic church, World Council of Churches (WCC), etc whose voices are strong enough that they should not be ignored. When global problems arise we should hear from these organizations.

Again there are those global organizations like the red cross, like the human rights groups (more so those humans rights groups whose condemnation of human rights abuses is not selective such that they emphasize on the rights of criminals and leave out other people)etc. We should also hear from such organizations as well.

The reality is that we are living at a time when we don’t know whether those terrorists who assemble a bomb and detonate it at place where civilians frequently visit, will acquire knowledge to, and actually do, assemble and detonate a nuclear bomb. And if they detonate one on a country like Israel and then Israel retaliates in kind, and then several other countries posses the nuclear weapons together with the missiles to deliver them, then this can trigger a chain reaction that will result in a conflagration which no one will be able to stop.

Thus every individual living on earth today has a duty to contribute, in his small or big way, to ensuring that wars are avoided. And wars can only be avoided if justice is not only said to be done but also seen to be done.

I therefore request that as many of us, citizens of the earth, from all regions of this globe which we call home, sign up above as followers, until we are about half a billion people oh yes introduce as many people as you can so that we become a voice which no one can ignore.. Let us join hands together because our living here on earth is like being on ship at the middle of an ocean and some passengers in the ship are quarrelling and threatening to sink the ship whereupon we will all perish. Let us join hands and then start by discussing the one area that is currently the most complicated global problem and which is the worst hot spot in the world today: the Middle East.

By virtue of the fact that America(USA) might not be the problem in the middle East but nevertheless, it might be a big part of the problem; oh yes by virtue of the fact that Iran might not be the problem in the middle East but, nevertheless, it might be a big part of the problem, we will initially want to get a treatise from a celebrated university in Iran; a treatise from a celebrated university in the USA; from a celebrated university in Israel and finally from a celebrated university from the Palestinian territory( if conditions there allow for the existence of a university.)

Then,concerning this issue we

will want to here from:

From the political pool we will want to hear

from the following entities:
1) North America
2) South America
3) European union
4) African union
5) Arab league
6) China,
7) India
8) Japan
9) Russia
10) Australia

From the religious circles we will

want to hear from:

1) Muslim representatives
2) Judaism
3) The Vatican
4) World Council of Churches(WCC) headquarters
5) Any other religion representing a comparable global population.

From the other global organizations:
1) Amnesty international
2) Human rights watch
3) The red cross
4) An international media organization
5) Any other etc.

It is only after hearing and getting enough information that we, citizens of the earth, can decide on what to do. And democracy might be one of the greatest possessions that we have towards achieving our goal.

If anybody would like to contribute to this debate by way of placing a posting please e-mail your contribution as an attachment to
kambuke@yahoo.com so that we can verify its authentication and then we will place it here. The article should not have any contents that are hatred towards, or that are demeaning to, or that offends any race, religion or any lawful global organization.